Excerpt from the Old Fort Task Force-Academic Subcommittee report (April, 2011):

The highly interdisciplinary nature of a Liberal Arts education obtained through study at Fort Lewis College is well adapted to the challenge of meeting the complex problems of an area situated at the confluence of multiple political and natural boundaries. The list of programs being conducted at the Old Fort not only uphold our honorable mission to prepare citizens for the common good in an increasingly complex world while satisfying the requirement to maintain the land as an institution of learning but will also foster the building of community partnerships. These relationships carry with them intangible values such as the building of character, the application of knowledge through experiential learning, and critical thinking or problem-solving skills which go practically unmatched in any other learning environment, making this opportunity priceless.

The original Old Fort Task Force’s vision for the property was to develop an interdisciplinary field station for education, research and community partnerships in sustainable agriculture, cultural, natural and physical resources. This vision is predicated upon consideration of a unique set of resources including a 6,279 acre intact land mass, ecosystems representing a large portion of the Four Corners region, wildlife, native plant and riparian corridors. These natural resources can be used for community based learning opportunities that emphasize responsible stewardship. Equally as important are the historical and cultural resources, including extensive prehistoric and historic archeological resources throughout the property, and long-standing interests in the site among both Native and non-Native peoples. These attributes give Fort Lewis College the opportunity to market educational opportunities that incorporate problem solving with sustainable opportunities.

Current Research and Education Uses