FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Interested in a small-group or departmental workshop? Have other needs than what you see here? We can customize workshops, session series, or professional development courses to meet the needs of individual faculty or their department. Reach out!
The Designing for Equity course supports FLC faculty in developing a high-quality, equitable, online learning experience for students. Explore topics around the backward design of curriculum, 21st-century assessment approaches, instructional technology integration, and other best practices in DE teaching and learning.
Contact ctl@fortlewis.edu to enroll.
Learn how to apply critical digital pedagogy to existing courses. Critical digital pedagogy helps us redesign our digital learning spaces with a focus on inclusion and equity to help students become empowered learners and have full access to success in their learning.
This opportunity is only available to faculty who have completed Designing for Equity (formerly Designing for Impact).
4-week course offered each summer; request to enroll by July 9.
Digital accessibility is not just a legal requirement under ADA laws; it is an FLC priority because it provides equitable access to learning environments and materials for all students. The Digital Accessibility Committee has established a training course for faculty and staff to ensure they know to create accessible materials in their course or office.
All employees at FLC are enrolled in the Digital Accessibility 2.0 course, so you can easily find it on your Canvas dashboard!
Take the course
EPIC Scholarship supports faculty to empower their pedagogy and ignite change in their classrooms through scholarship of teaching & learning (SoTL)*. As EPIC Scholarship participants, faculty conduct research around learning and apply evidence-based strategies to innovate their teaching.
Individuals or faculty teams of 2-4 will focus on a research topic that will result in both pedagogical applications as well as a showcase of findings at the end of the spring term. If you're ready to take your instruction to the next level through research-based practices, EPIC is for you!
*Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is “problem posing about an issue of teaching or learning, study of the problem through methods appropriate to the disciplinary epistemologies, applications of results to practice, communication of results, self-reflection, and peer review” (Cambridge, 2010, p. 8).
The theme for EPIC 2024 will be student wellness. Research project examples might include AI for students’ academic support and wellbeing, student belonging for first-generation students, or metacognitive strategies to increase first-year student competence. Faculty can also explore topics that bridge student wellness with any of the Dimensions of Effective Teaching.
With a specific research question, EPIC Scholarship faculty conduct research and apply evidence-based strategies to innovate their teaching and advance their scholarship of teaching. Participants will collect data and present their findings in a showcase with other EPIC Scholarship colleagues.
Requirements include:
The online proposal form for EPIC Scholarship will be shared with attendees at the kick-off meeting on March 27, 5-5:30 p.m. If you have any questions or cannot attend the kick-off meeting, please contact ctl@fortlewis.edu.
Cambridge, B. (2010). Fostering the scholarship of teaching and learning: Communities of practice. In D. Lieberman & C. Wehlburg, (Eds.). To improve the academy. Bolton, MA: Anker.
Walk through all essential functions of Canvas, FLC's learning management system, or LMS. A companion tutorial for students, Passport to Canvas, is where students can learn how to succeed with Canvas in their courses. Harness the potential of Canvas and enroll now!
General email: ctl@fortlewis.edu
Reserve instructional technology
Collaborates and supports the CTL with professional development and distance education programming.