FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Approaching someone we love may be difficult, as we're often worried we might make it worse. Studies show talking about it openly and honestly is a supportive factor.
Shame is often present during or after a traumatic event. Assuring them they did nothing wrong and you still love them can go a long way to helping them feel better.
A loved one might not be ready to share; similar events can impact people differently. Offer resources, make sure they have had water, and let them go at their own pace.
Be an active bystander: An active bystander makes an active choice to step into a situation where they can be helpful or protective of another individual.
Become an active bystander
Sexual, inter-partner, and gender-based violence impact diverse groups differently.
Madeleine Gillman
Phone: 970-247-7049Email: mgillman@fortlewis.eduOffice: 230 Skyhawk Station
David Pirrone
Phone: 970-247-7182Email: djpirrone@fortlewis.eduOffice: 192 Education Business Hall