FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Return to school and earn your degree
Are you a Colorado resident who wants to return to Fort Lewis College and “Finish What You Started?”
You may be eligible for $1,500 per semester in financial assistance and additional support as an FLC Circle Back Scholar through the State of Colorado's FWYS program.
You must meet ALL the following qualifications:
Circle Back will use your FAFSA/CASFA information to verify your eligibility for the FWYS scholarship. You must submit a COVID Impact Attestation form if we cannot verify your eligibility from your FAFSA/CASFA information. See your Circle Back advisor for more information on this.
You will receive $1,500 for two (2) consecutive semesters if you fulfill the participant responsibilities. These funds can be used for institutional expenses (tuition, fees, or other institutional charges) or emergency/personal non-institutional expenses.
If selected as an FWYS Circle Back Scholar, I understand that I must complete the following each semester:
Contact Circle Back to apply for the FWYS program
Location: Reed Library, Room 144Phone: 970-247-6271Email: CIRCLEBACK@FORTLEWIS.EDU
Location: Reed Library, Room 143Phone: 970-247-6274Email: CIRCLEBACK@FORTLEWIS.EDU