FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Student success is at the heart of all assessment activities at Fort Lewis College. Our Assessment Coordinator works closely with academic and student engagement departments in and out of the classroom to continuously improve student experiences using various assessment methods.
The Assessment Coordinator and Assessment Committee support faculty, staff, and administrators in developing and implementing effective assessment techniques. We also provide ongoing assistance to meet accreditation requirements and ensure state and federal regulations compliance. Fort Lewis College has maintained its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission since 1958.
We use assessment data to report our evaluations of student learning for accreditation.
We encourage students to use feedback on their academic and co-curricular performances to help with their educational and career goals.
We enhance our teaching and co-curricular offerings based on student performance data.
All degree and certificate-granting programs undergo Academic Program Review (APR) every seven years or as per external accreditation mandates. This review follows the procedures outlined in the APR Policy, is conducted at the department level, and encompasses all programs within the department.
Every FLC program (major, minor, and certificate, excluding concentrations) and all instructional methods (traditional, hybrid, online, distance education) must participate in an annual assessment. Assessment of certificates can be based on program learning outcomes or skills-learning outcomes.
Program Learning Outcomes represent the specific knowledge and skills students should acquire after completing a program. PLOs align with FLC's strategic areas of emphasis and college-wide education outcomes. They are measurable and clear, ensuring student expectations.
Programs complete the Annual Assessment Plan and Report template.
The Division of Student Engagement conducts annual outcome-based assessments using the adopted learning domains.
Each department within the division must assess its programs' effectiveness and/or efficiency. Programs complete the Template Assessment Plan and Assessment Report the DSE Assessment Committee provides.
The DSE Committee hosts an annual Assessment Showcase at which the Assessment Committee reports on the division assessment, and each department reports on its assessments.
Academic programs engage in Comprehensive Assessment Planning (CAP) every seven years.
CAP occurs the year before a program engages in its Academic Program Review. CAP facilitates program review and preparation in advance of APR and is intended to help programs reflect on the last seven years of assessment and look forward to the next seven years.
Programs complete the "Comprehensive Assessment Plan and Program Curriculum Map" template.
Comprehensive Assessment Plan and Program Curriculum Map template
Every seven years, all Liberal Arts Core (LAC)-designated courses participate in the LAC assessment per the LAC Assessment Schedule. The Liberal Arts Core Council adopted the gt-Pathways content criteria and competencies approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education for all FLC LAC courses and are in alignment with AAC&U's Essential Learning Outcomes. The competencies are assessed annually and organized by the Assessment Coordinator in collaboration with the LAC Council Co-Chairs.
Programs complete Sections 1-3 of the "Annual Assessment Plan and Report" template. The Assessment Coordinator will complete the report and prepare and upload an LAC Assessment Report, saved in SharePoint.
Template Assessment Plan and Report due September 15 (SharePoint). Two forms are due:
Deadlines set by Assessment Coordinator & faculty.
Template Comprehensive Assessment Plan and Program Curriculum Map, due May 1.
See APR Policy for deadlines.
Template Assessment Plan & Assessment Report/Showcase presentation due annually per DSE Assessment Committee deadlines.
Deadlines set by Assessment Coordinator and faculty.
Template Comprehensive Assessment Plan and Program Curriculum Map due May 1.
Faculty and staff can access FLC assessment and program review records.
Faculty and staff can access assessment resources that will help them understand the program assessment process.
Tessa CreatiniPhone: 970-880-1420Email: trcreatini@fortlewis.edu
The Assessment Committee offers assessment aid and peer consultation to faculty, staff, and students.
Go to Assessment Committee