We help advance research and external support by providing leadership and professional assistance to FLC faculty and staff in pursuit of a wide range of educational goals.
Are you thinking about or in the process of applying for a grant? All grant applications must go through FLC's grant proposal process.
Here are some resources to help you through the process:
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Mary Shepherd, Director, Small Business Development Center, received $25,835 from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade to support the Community Business Preservation Program (CBPP).
Beth LaShell, Director of The Old Fort at Hesperus, received $249,889 from the Colorado Historical Society—State Historical Fund to “complete exterior restoration and stabilization of the Root Cellar Barn, part of the Old Fort at Hesperus.”
Ross McCauley, Ph.D., Professor, Biology, received $20,000 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for “Surveys for a Silverspot Butterfly (Speyeria nokomis nokomis) and its host plant the bog Violet (Viola nephrophylla)).”
Tiffany Cozad, Director of Campbell Child and Family Center, received $7,023 from the Colorado Department of Early Childhood for a “Stabilization/New Provide Success 2024 Bonus Grant.”
Tiffany Cozad, Director, Campbell Child and Family Center, received $22,500 from the Buell Foundation for the Campbell Child and Family Center.
Yiyan Li, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Physics & Engineering, received $24,966 from the US Department of Transportation through North Dakota State University for “CTIPS Research, Education and Technology Transfer Projects.”
Janine Fitzgerald, Ph.D., Professor, Sociology & Human Services, received $25,000 from the Vadon Foundation to support the “Return to Dinetah: Community-Based Language Learning” project
Tyler Dunn, Director, Reed Library, received $20,263 from The Colorado Department of Higher Education for the “Putting Students at the Center through Open Educational Resource (OER).”
Stella Zhu, Basic Needs Coordinator, Student Well-being, received $98,285 from the US Department of Treasury through the Community Shares of Colorado, Inc. for Capacity building and infrastructure support funding, “Farm to Campus/Campus to Farm.”
Elicia Whittlesey, Farmer Training Program Coordinator, The Old Fort at Hesperus, received $45,366 from the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Small Food Business Recovery and Resilience Grant to “expand opportunities to purchase healthy foods for low income, los access Coloradans in Hesperus by funding personnel, cold storage, produce processing, and marketing to increase production and visibility, as well as equipment for SNAP authorization”.