Study Abroad Provider students pay tuition and program fees directly to the third party provider that organizes these programs. These providers are either sponsored by U.S. universities, or businesses that have U.S. universities on their oversight boards. Study abroad programs represent almost every country and curriculum choice. Students may be in classes with other American students from around the country.
USAC (University of Studies Abroad Consortium)
ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) ISA (International Studies Abroad)
Partner Exchange
AIFS (American Institute For Foreign Study) CEA (CEA Global Education) Sea|mester World Learning| SIT Study Abroad
CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange)
If none of the Approved Programs interest you, try the following resources:
If none of the programs listed on the International Programs website fulfill your needs, and you find an alternative program that you like to apply, but HAS NOT been officially approved by the International Programs office, you must do a bit of research to find out if it CAN BE approved. These approvals are temporary and are only in effect during the time period of your participation. Each student must go through this procedure for every program they hope to present to the International Programs Office for this temporary approval. Students need to consult with IPO director. DO NOT apply for any programs, before you receive IPO approval.
Read the literature or program website information very carefully. Call their toll free number, or email their contact address for additional materials and/or clarification. Ask the following questions and make your case to IPO director.