Whether you already know exactly what you want to study or are still deciding, our advising team is here to make registering for classes a breeze. We help all new students with their initial registration process to get you started smoothly. Afterward, you can choose whether you'd like continued advising or prefer to register independently.
Our team offers various support services designed to meet your specific needs. We can help you plan your major and minor requirements, arrange your courses for the next semester, guide you through the registration process, or help if you ever have academic warnings or probation.
Skyhawk Advisors serve students who have earned less than 60 credits. Upper-division students should contact their academic advisor for advising assistance.
Check-in at the Skyhawk Station front counter window. We're open between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. for walk-in advising on a first-come, first-served basis.
Skyhawk Advisors can help you with GPA questions and degree plans, discuss various options for majors and resources on campus, or other specialized needs.
Katya grew up in Bend, Oregon, and moved to Durango in 2018 to continue a career in environmental conservation and grassroots organizing. They love paddleboarding, hiking, botanizing, bird watching, and classic XC skiing. Advocacy and activism around environmental, social, and racial justice also hold a special, fiery place in their heart.
Email Katya
Annie earned her undergraduate degree in Music and a Master's in English from Abilene Christian University. She claims Houston, Texas, as her hometown. She loves music, plants, and baking.
Email Annie
Emily was raised in Minnesota but moved to Colorado to get her B.A. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, as well as in Anthropology, from the University of Colorado Boulder. She earned a Master’s in Biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. She loves rock climbing, hiking, skiing, and hanging out with her bearded dragon Tasman.
Email Emily
Wyatt grew up in Mancos, Colorado and graduated from FLC with a degree in Communication Design. He spends his free time on writing music, illustrating, and many other creative pursuits.
Email Wyatt
Born and raised in Massachusetts, I find the Southwest to be a breath of fresh air. I love everything outdoors, especially exploring Durango with my energetic trail dog, Roxy. A former Division II basketball and track athlete, I also coached basketball at FLC for two years.
Email Kylie
As a born and raised Coloradan, I love the outdoors and have a great appreciation for this beautiful state. I’m an avid gamer and love messing around with PCs. I spend my days creating art, which is often inspired by all things spooky and whimsical.
Email Celeste
Evan is from an organic family farm in South Dakota. He graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in Global Studies. He studied abroad in Guatemala, where he worked on garden farms and learned Spanish.
Email Evan
Find the full calendar of key dates, including breaks and semester start and end dates.
A former student who has not attended Fort Lewis College for at least six consecutive terms (e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall) and whose Fort Lewis College cumulative GPA is below 2.00 may apply for Academic Renewal. You are only eligible for Academic Renewal one time.
If there is an issue with your Academic Standing, we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment with a member of your advising team to figure out a plan to improve your GPA.
A student is in Good Standing if the most recent semester GPA is at or above 2.00 and the cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00 OR the student is in the initial semester of enrollment after Academic Renewal.
A student is on Academic Warning if and only if (a) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00 and (b) the cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00.
A student is on Academic Care Alert if and only if (a) the student has fewer than 60 attempted hours at Fort Lewis College, (b) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00, (c) the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, and (d) the student was in Good Standing or on Academic Warning the previous semester.
A student is on Academic Intervention if and only if (a) the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, (b) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00, and the student was in Good Standing or on Academic Warning the previous semester with 60 or more attempted hours at Fort Lewis College OR the student was on Academic Care Alert the previous semester OR the most recent semester GPA is above a 2.00, and the student was on Academic Care Alert, Academic Intervention, or Reinstated from Academic Separation the previous semester.
A student is on Academic Separation if and only if the semester GPA is below 2.0 while on Academic Intervention OR the semester GPA is below 2.0 while Reinstated from Academic Separation.
View our Graduation Guide to see the detailed steps to apply for graduation.
You can preview your anticipated class schedule in a calendar format before registering using your Saved Schedule.
Important dates for financial aid, registration, course withdrawal, and more.
Your assigned advisor and their contact information are in your Academics app in Workday!
Use a GPA calculator to see what grades you need to maintain or repair for your Academic Standing.
A student who wishes to replace a grade must adhere to the following policies and procedures:
The Independent Study forms are now available in the Student Resource Center.
Learn how to leave FLC and the impacts on your transcript, financial aid, and billing. Understand your options, whether you plan to withdraw from all courses now, leave permanently in a future semester, or simply take a break.
The Non-Scheduled Course Authorization forms are now available in the Student Resource Center
Instructors can give Registration Overrides for your courses. An instructor override can allow a student to register for a course if:
Starting the first week of the term, the override includes an Override for Capacity.
Talk with your instructor about overriding the registration.
Course Sections will not be published in Workday for the Fall 2024 Semester until March 25.
Watch how to search for courses to register for from Find Course Sections:
Adding course sections to a saved schedule does NOT register you for them! To complete registration, you must click the Register button from View My Saved Schedules:
Check out how to drop or swap a course section during registration:
The Academics App will be your one-stop shop for most common tasks! Accessing the Academics App: Find the app on the Workday home page under "Your Top Apps" or via the "MENU" button at the top left. Here are some of the tasks you'll complete from the Academics app:
The Academic Progress Report in Workday will replace the uAchieve audit for monitoring your course and credit accomplishments within your program of study. Access it via the Academics app or your Profile.
From the Academics app:
How to read the report:
Exporting the Report:
Note: If the Academic Progress report appears incorrect, contact your Advisor for a uAchieve audit verification.
Stay updated with your registration dates and understand your eligible registration windows for future semesters.
Registration will be completed in Workday beginning in the Fall 2024 semester registration period! Summer session registration should be completed in WebOPUS.
Your registration window date range is called a Registration Appointment in Workday. There is no physical appointment necessary.
Registration appointments are your eligible registration date windows for upcoming semester terms and will appear in your Academics app in Workday under the Upcoming Registration Appointments table.
Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.eduPhone: 970-247-7301Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.