FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Find the full calendar of key dates, including breaks and semester start and end dates.
Census (sometimes called Census Date) is the official count of student enrollment at FLC; we count at the end of the 12th day of classes for fall, spring, and summer terms, which always falls on Tuesday of the third week of courses. The summer term has only one Census date, even though courses have various start dates.
Find information on registering for classes, including important ways to prepare.
Spring 2025 registration dates
Registration for Summer 2025 TBD
Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.eduPhone: 970-247-7301Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.