FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
Learn about financial aid refund policies that may affect you, from disenrolling from a single class to all classes. Get help through Skyhawk Station if you need additional support.
In most cases, the student's financial aid will be automatically credited each term when the student confirms full-time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours). Any funds awarded more than the direct charges due and payable to the institution will generally be made available to the student at the beginning of the term.
Checks for excess financial aid funds will be available on the first day of class if the student registers early as a full-time student. Aid will be processed once the student's financial aid file is complete. eRefunds are available through Student Account Suite and will allow the funds to be in the eRefund account before the start of school as long as the student has correctly set up the account and confirmed their enrollment.
Financial Aid is applied as it is awarded and received. You must accept your financial aid electronically on your WebOPUS account.
When financial aid exceeds the amount of institutional charges, a refund will be made available. The initial refund is created for the student when all aid credits are simultaneous. If the Federal Direct Parent Loan disburses after other aid has been credited, a refund will be produced for the parent borrower unless designated otherwise on the Federal Direct Parent Loan promissory note.
Charges paid with a credit card and then reversed will be credited back to the credit card. All other overpayments will be refunded to the student. A 30-day hold may be placed on more significant amounts paid with a personal check.
Students who drop a class on or before Census Day but remain enrolled will receive a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees for that class. Students who drop a class the day after the Census but remain enrolled must pay 100 percent of tuition and fees for that course (no refund).
Students who are registered for classes and decide not to attend are responsible for canceling courses before the first day of the relevant term. Nonattendance does not constitute cancellation or withdrawal.
Students who officially withdraw during the fall and spring terms will be assessed tuition and fees according to the Pro-rata Schedule below:
Students who officially withdraw during the summer term will be assessed tuition and fees according to the Pro-rata Schedule below:
To be eligible to receive the reduction in tuition and fees according to this schedule, the official withdrawal must be completed using WebOPUS before midnight on the Sunday of the week indicated.
Students withdrawing on or after the first day of the term will be charged the full enrollment (matriculation fee). The confirmation fee will not be refunded.
Beginning Fall 2021, room and board charges are calculated using a daily pro-ration based on the occupancy date and official check-out date from Student Housing. A student must check out of Student Housing within 48 hours of withdrawing from the College. Disciplinary removals from Student Housing will result in a full assessment of room charges and forfeiture of the housing deposit.
Students who receive financial aid and withdraw may be required to repay all or a proportionate amount of aid received. Federal, state, and institutional regulations and policies determine repayment amounts. Refunds and repayments for students receiving Title IV financial aid will be calculated using the "Return of Title IV Funds" formula.
Refunds will be sent to the student at their permanent address when the withdrawal process is completed. There is a 30-day hold on payments made with a personal check. Payments made on a credit card will be credited back to the credit card.
As Fort Lewis College plans for instruction in the coming academic year, students are advised that in response to a further public health emergency or potential public health emergency such as COVID-19, some or all instruction for all or part of any particular academic year may be delivered remotely.
Any necessary adjustments to instruction will be made congruent with public health considerations. Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded if instruction occurs remotely for any part of the year.
Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.eduPhone: 970-247-7301Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.