Choose the correct Transfer Evaluation Appeal form below (Liberal Arts Core or General) and provide supporting documentation.
Appeals must be submitted within 15 days of receiving the initial evaluation or the departmental decision. Appeals submitted after the deadline may not be considered.
The Registrar's Office will inform you of the department chair's decision and their rationale through your FLC email account. If the decision is in the student's favor, the transfer credit will be posted to the student's transcript. If the decision is not in the student's favor, the Registrar's Office will provide a written explanation of the decision and the rationale. The Registrar's Office will also notify you, in writing, of the process for appealing the department chair's decision should you feel such a step is necessary. If the Registrar's Office fails to inform you of the available appeal options, the departmental decision shall be null and void, and your request will be granted without further review.
*Students must have a FERPA release on file for the Registrar's Office to share information with anyone else about their account, appeal application, and/or results of their appeal.
You have the right to appeal the departmental decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Reply to the Registrar's notification email stating you are appealing the department chair's decision and include your rationale and supporting documents.
If you fail to appeal within 15 days of the email notification regarding the chair's decision, the chair's decision will stand.
Upon receipt of your appeal, the VP of Academic Affairs has 15 days to decide. The Registrar's Office will notify you of the VP of Academic Affairs' decision and their rationale through your FLC email account.
You have the right to appeal the VP of Academic Affairs' decision to the Fort Lewis College Board of Trustees.
Reply to the Registrar's notification email stating your rationale for appealing the VP of Academic Affairs' decision.
The Registrar's Office will notify you of the Board of Trustees' decision and their rationale via your FLC email account.
If you cannot come to a satisfactory resolution after exhausting all levels of appeal at Fort Lewis College, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE).
File a Student Complaint with CDHE
Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.eduPhone: 970-247-7301Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.