Welcome to Advising at Skyhawk Station

Advising is essential for your academic journey. Skyhawk Station Advisors provide comprehensive support to help you succeed. We assist with:

  • Graduation planning: Staying on track by planning your major and minor requirements and arranging your courses each semester.
  • Academic guidance: Understanding college expectations and making informed decisions about your major and career.
  • Campus resources: Connecting you to resources and opportunities to help foster a sense of community.
  • Registration support: Navigating the registration process smoothly.
  • Academic assistance: Addressing any academic warnings or probation.

Skyhawk Advisors serve students who have earned less than 60 credits. Upper-division students (students with 60 or more earned credits) should contact their academic advisor for advising assistance.

Walk-in help

Check-in at the Skyhawk Station front counter window.

We're open between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. for walk-in advising on a first-come, first-served basis.

Make an appointment

Skyhawk Advisors can help you with GPA questions and degree plans, discuss various options for majors and resources on campus, or other specialized needs.

Find your advisor

Celeste Freeman

Celeste Freeman

As a born and raised Coloradan, I love the outdoors and have a great appreciation for this beautiful state. I’m an avid gamer and love messing around with PCs. I spend my days creating art, which is often inspired by all things spooky and whimsical. 

Advising areas

  • Exercise and Health Promotion
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Health Sciences
  • Nutrition
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Sport Administration
Wyatt Goodell

Wyatt Goodell

Wyatt grew up in Mancos, Colorado and graduated from FLC with a degree in Communication Design. He spends his free time on writing music, illustrating, and many other creative pursuits.

Advising areas

  • Adventure Education
  • Art K-12 Education
  • Biochemistry Secondary Education
  • Biology Secondary Education
  • Chemistry Secondary Education
  • Communication Design
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Educational Studies
  • Elementary Education
  • English
  • English Secondary Education
  • Exercise Science K-12 Education
  • History Secondary Education
  • Journalism and Media
  • Mathematics Secondary Education
  • Music
  • Music Business
  • Music Education
  • Music Performance
  • Musical Theater
  • Studio Art
  • Theatre
  • World Languages Education
  • Writing
  • Theatre K-12 Education
Annie Lawson

Annie Lawson

Annie earned her undergraduate degree in Music and a Master's in English from Abilene Christian University. She claims Houston, Texas, as her hometown. She loves music, plants, and baking.

Advising Areas

  • Lower Division Honors Students
  • Lower Division VA Benefits Students
Kylie Lorenzen

Kylie Lorenzen

Born and raised in Massachusetts, I find the Southwest to be a breath of fresh air. I love everything outdoors, especially exploring Durango with my energetic trail dog, Roxy. A former Division II basketball and track athlete, I also coached basketball at FLC for two years.

Advising areas

  • Lower Division Student Athletes

Learn how to...

Academic Calendar

Find the full calendar of key dates, including breaks and semester start and end dates.

Academic Renewal

Who can apply for Academic Renewal?

A former student who has not attended Fort Lewis College for at least six consecutive terms (e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall) and whose Fort Lewis College cumulative GPA is below 2.00 may apply for Academic Renewal. You are only eligible for Academic Renewal one time.

When and how to apply

  • If you were academically disqualified, submit your Academic Renewal petition by the admission application deadline.
  • If you were not academically disqualified, you must submit your Academic Renewal petition by your return semester's Census date (the 12th day of classes).

More information about Academic Renewal

  • If you are granted Academic Renewal, none of the grades you received before renewal will factor into your GPA. Previously-completed courses for which you earned a grade of C- or higher will still count toward graduation as long as they are allowable under the Time Limits on Coursework policy. Although they will not factor into your GPA, all grades and coursework completed before renewal will remain visible on your academic transcript. A note stating "Academic Renewal Approve [date approved]" will also appear on your transcript.
  • Other institutions may not recognize Academic Renewal. Since your pre-renewal grades appear on your transcript, other institutions may still consider them when determining your eligibility for employment, admission, scholarships, etc.
  • Once granted Academic Renewal, you must maintain Satisfactory Academic Standing and complete at least 30 credit hours after re-admission before being eligible for a baccalaureate degree (even if all other degree requirements have been met).


Academic Standing

If there is an issue with your Academic Standing, we strongly encourage you to schedule an appointment with a member of your advising team to figure out a plan to improve your GPA.

Good Standing

A student is in Good Standing if the most recent semester GPA is at or above 2.00 and the cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00 OR the student is in the initial semester of enrollment after Academic Renewal.

Academic Warning

A student is on Academic Warning if and only if (a) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00 and (b) the cumulative GPA is at or above 2.00. 

Academic Care Alert

A student is on Academic Care Alert if and only if (a) the student has fewer than 60 attempted hours at Fort Lewis College, (b) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00, (c) the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, and (d) the student was in Good Standing or on Academic Warning the previous semester.                                 

Academic Intervention

A student is on Academic Intervention if and only if (a) the cumulative GPA is below 2.00, (b) the most recent semester GPA is below 2.00, and the student was in Good Standing or on Academic Warning the previous semester with 60 or more attempted hours at Fort Lewis College OR the student was on Academic Care Alert the previous semester OR the most recent semester GPA is above a 2.00, and the student was on Academic Care Alert, Academic Intervention, or Reinstated from Academic Separation the previous semester.

Academic Separation

A student is on Academic Separation if and only if the semester GPA is below 2.0 while on Academic Intervention OR the semester GPA is below 2.0 while Reinstated from Academic Separation.         

Apply for Graduation - Workday

View our Graduation Guide to see the detailed steps to apply for graduation. 

Calendar View of Saved Schedule - Workday

You can preview your anticipated class schedule in a calendar format before registering using your Saved Schedule.

  1. Navigate to the "Academics app" from either the Workday home page "Your Top Apps" box or from the "MENU" at the top left of the Workday portal.
  2. Find the "Registration" section in the right column. Select "View My Saved Schedules" in the task list.
  3. Click into the "Start Date within" field, click "All," and then select the semester term you are registering for.
  4. Click "OK."
  5. Click the "Calendar View" button to view the saved schedule in a calendar view pop-up window.
Course delivery definitions
  • Synchronous: Happens at the same time.
  • Asynchronous: Doesn't happen at the same time.
  • Online: Courses are offered through the Internet using Canvas. 100% of course activity is done online with no required on-campus meetings. Online courses may include optional synchronous online discussions or assignments.
  • Live Online: Faculty and Students meet synchronously via Zoom for all instructional hours; no in-person classroom meetings. Students must be able to meet online during all scheduled classroom times. Live Online courses hold most classes via Zoom but can also include some alternative synchronous and asynchronous online course activity.
  • Hybrid: Combines face-to-face classroom instruction with distance education activities (25-85% required synchronous).
  • Hyflex: Course delivered with fully remote option(s) – synchronous or asynchronous – along with regularly scheduled face-to-face classes, allowing students to transition seamlessly between the two learning environments.
  • Lecture, Lab, or Studio Art: Regular in-person classroom.
Course Program of Study (CPOS)

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) requires students to be enrolled in a degree-seeking program for federal financial aid. Aid will only cover courses that are part of your official course program of study (CPOS), including Pell grants, FSEOG grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Awards, Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans, and PLUS Loans.

Enrolling in courses not required for your degree may reduce or cancel your financial aid, affecting your full-time enrollment status.

Learn more about how CPOS affects your federal financial aid

Course Withdrawal Deadlines

Spring 2025

Part of Term CW Deadline
Full Term Courses
01/13/2025 - 04/25/2025
Part of Term One
01/13/2025 - 03/07/2025
Part of Term Two
01/13/2025 - 02/28/2025
Part of Term Three
03/03/2025 - 04/25/2025
Part of Term Four
03/10/2025 - 04/25/2025


Fall 2024

Part of Term CW Deadline
Full Term Courses
08/26/2024 - 12/13/2024
Part of Term One
07/29/2024 - 08/23/2024
Part of Term Two
8/26/2024 - 10/11/2024
Part of Term Three
7/29/2024 - 8/16/2024
Part of Term Four
8/5/2024 - 8/23/2024
Part of Term Five
8/26/2024 - 10/18/2024
Part of Term Seven
10/14/2024 - 12/6/2024
Part of Term Eleven
8/26/2024 - 10/4/2024
Part of Term Fourteen
Dates & deadlines

Important dates for financial aid, registration, course withdrawal, and more.

Find your Advisor and Support Contacts - Workday

Your assigned advisor and their contact information are in your Academics app in Workday!

  1. Navigate to the Academics app from the top left MENU in your Workday portal or Your Top Apps on the Workday homepage.
  2. Find the Important Contacts Support Network table. This table lists types of support contacts (Skyhawk Advisor or Faculty Advisor), the student cohort group this contact supports (e.g., Engineering under 60 credits), the name of your contact, and their contact email.
GPA Calculators

Use a GPA calculator to see what grades you need to maintain or repair for your Academic Standing.

Grade replacement

A student who wishes to replace a grade must adhere to the following policies and procedures:

  1. Students must follow all policies regarding the repetition of coursework.
  2. Some courses may be taken more than once for full credit (e.g., some special topics courses, independent studies, and internships); these courses are not eligible for grade replacement.
  3. The semester hours and quality points in repeated courses are counted only once. The highest grade and its corresponding quality points are used to compute the quality point average and meet graduation requirements.
  4. Students can replace a maximum of 3 classes up to 12 credit hours ("cumulative replacement hours") with improved grades earned by repeating courses.
  5. The credit hours associated with each repeated course will count toward the cumulative replacement hours.
  6. Students must complete a Grade Replacement form to initiate the grade replacement process. The form designating specific course grade replacements will be a part of the student's permanent file.
  7. All grade entries remain a part of the student's permanent record.
Incomplete Grades for Students

Considering taking an "Incomplete"? Here's what you need to know:

  • Incomplete Grades are issued at the instructor's discretion -- instructors are not required to allow a student to take an Incomplete for any reason.
  • The instructor can allow you up to one year to complete the outstanding coursework. They are not required to give you the whole year to complete the coursework.
  • If your instructor agrees to let you take an Incomplete, you have the option to fill out the Incomplete Grade Request form.
    • You will outline the agreed-upon terms on the form, including the coursework you need to complete and the time frame for completing it.
    • Both the student and the instructor must sign the form. 
  • An Incomplete will appear on your transcript with an "I" in place of a grade until one of two things happens:
    • You complete the required coursework within the time allowed, and your instructor submits a grade change form to the Registrar's Office. Registrar's Office staff will then replace the "I" on your transcript with the grade assigned by your instructor.
    • You fail to complete the required coursework, so the "I" will be changed to an "F" on your transcript after one year unless approved for an extension.
Independent Study (299)/Individual Study (499)

The Independent Study forms are now available in the Student Resource Center. 

  • Initiating the form: Students must initiate the form through the Student Resource Center. 
  • Filling out the form: Students must complete their personal information upon initiating the form. However, they can complete the rest of the form themselves or have their instructor do it. 
  • Form routing and approval: After the student completes and signs the form, it will be routed to the instructor. Once the Associate Dean approves it, the Registrar will proceed to create the section and register the student as usual.
Leaving or taking a break from FLC

Learn how to leave FLC and the impacts on your transcript, financial aid, and billing. Understand your options, whether you plan to withdraw from all courses now, leave permanently in a future semester, or simply take a break.

Non-Scheduled Course Authorization

The Non-Scheduled Course Authorization forms are now available in the Student Resource Center

Registration Overrides for Students

Instructors can give Registration Overrides for your courses. An instructor override can allow a student to register for a course if:

  • They have not satisfied the prerequisites
  • The course requires instructor's permission
  • And/or if the student does not satisfy a class (first-year, sophomore, etc.) or there is a significant restriction

Starting the first week of the term, the override includes an Override for Capacity.

Talk with your instructor about overriding the registration.

Registration Step 1: Search for Classes - Workday

Course Sections will not be published in Workday for the Fall 2024 Semester until March 25.  

  • To view the course catalog, select View Course Catalog at FLC, located in the Academics app in the MENU on the top left of your Workday portal.
  • This report is under the Academic Advising & Planning section and has filtering options for your browsing needs. You cannot register for classes from this report, but you can see all courses offered at FLC without being bound by a specific semester.  
  • If you want to view classes to build a saved schedule before registering or want to register for courses, access Find Course Sections in the Academics App.   

Watch how to search for courses to register for from Find Course Sections:

  1. Navigate to the Academics app from the top left MENU in your Workday portal or Your Top Apps on the Workday homepage.   
  2. Under the Registration section, select Find Course Sections.  
  3. In the Start Date Within field, type the term and year you would like to browse and click enter to select from the search results (e.g., “Spring 2024”).  
  4. In the Academic Level field, select the academic level type you would like to see (Graduate, Remedial, or Undergraduate)  
  5. Leave the Campus Locations field blank. Click OK.  
  6. Browse courses using the search bar, the filters on the left side, or scrolling through the complete list.
  7. Select the course section name in blue to drill into the course details.   
Registration Step 3: Register for Classes from Saved Schedule - Workday

Adding course sections to a saved schedule does NOT register you for them! To complete registration, you must click the Register button from View My Saved Schedules:  

  1. Navigate to the Academics app from either the Workday home page, Your Top Apps box, or the MENU at the top left of the Workday portal.  
  2. Find the Registration section in the right column. Select View My Saved Schedules in the task list.  
  3. Click into the Start Date within the field, then click All to select the semester term you are registering for.  
  4. Click OK.  
  5.  When your registration window has opened, you will have a blue Start Registration button below your saved schedule to click.  
  6. On the next screen, review your course section selections one more time. Click Register when ready. Click Done.   
  7. Congratulations! You have registered!    

Switch Sections of a Course - Workday

Check out how to drop or swap a course section during registration:

Using the Academics App - Workday

The Academics App will be your one-stop shop for most common tasks!

Accessing the Academics App: Find the app on the Workday home page under "Your Top Apps" or via the "MENU" button at the top left. Here are some of the tasks you'll complete from the Academics app:

  • View Holds: Check your academic and registration holds.
  • Registration Actions: See actions needed for registration.
  • Registration Appointments: View upcoming registration slots.
  • Class Schedule: Access your current class timetable.
  • Advisor Contacts: Find and contact your advisor.
  • GPA Information: Check your cumulative and Program of Study GPAs.
  • Course Catalog: Browse the course offerings anytime.
  • Schedule Planning: Create a saved schedule for future courses.
  • Class Registration: Register for classes using "Find Course Sections."
  • Academic Progress: View your Academic Progress report and record.
  • Grades: Check your midterm and final grades.
  • Student Resources: Access forms and advisor info at the Student Resource Center.
  • COF Authorization: Request changes to COF Authorization.
  • Program Completion: Apply for completion of your program.
  • Unofficial Transcript: Generate an unofficial transcript.
  • Enrollment Verification: Produce a self-service Enrollment Verification.

View Academic Progress Report -Workday

The Academic Progress Report in Workday will replace the uAchieve audit for monitoring your course and credit accomplishments within your program of study. Access it via the Academics app or your Profile.

From the Academics app:

  1. Go to the Academics app from the MENU at the top left of your Workday portal or from "Your Top Apps" on the homepage.
  2. Under the Academic Advising & Planning header, choose "View My Academic Progress."
  3. Verify your student name and 900# ID in the pop-up, then click "OK."

How to read the report:

  • The report showcases overall academic progress, detailing total and completed credits, credits in progress, and your academic status.
  • The Program of Study section includes major GPA, requirement effective dates, and the last evaluation date.
  • It lists all program requirements, their statuses (satisfied, in progress, not satisfied), remaining requirements, registered courses, academic periods, credit numbers, and final grades.
  • For multiple study programs, each has its own section. Collapse data using the dropdown arrow next to the Program of Study name.

Exporting the Report:

  • Export to Excel: Click the icon resembling a sheet with an 'x' (tooltip: 'Export to Excel'). In the pop-up, hit the "Download" button, and the file will appear in your browser downloads.
  • Export to PDF: Select the PDF icon (tooltip: 'View Printable Version- PDF'). Click "Download" in the pop-up, and the file will be in your browser downloads.

Note: If the Academic Progress report appears incorrect, contact your Advisor for a uAchieve audit verification.

View Student’s Academic Progress Report

The Academic Progress Report will replace the uAchieve degree audit for viewing your course and credit progress completed within a program of study. This report can be accessed anytime from the Academics app or your Profile.

From the Academics app:

  1. Navigate to the Academics app from the top left MENU in your Workday portal or Your Top Apps on the Workday homepage.
  2. Under the Academic Advising & Planning header, select View My Academic Progress.
  3. When the pop-up window appears, confirm your student name and 900# ID and click OK.
  4. This report first displays overall academic progress: total credits defined, credits in progress, credits satisfied, credits remaining, and overall academic status.
  5. Below, your overall academic progress will display your program of study, the major GPA, the effective date of the requirements, and the last evaluation date.
  6. The program of study breakdown will list all requirements, the status of each requirement (satisfied, in progress, or not satisfied), requirements remaining, courses registered, each course’s academic period, the number of credits of the courses, and the final grade for each course.
  7. If you have multiple programs of study, there will be a breakdown for each. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Program of Study name to collapse the data.
  8. This report can be exported to an Excel or pdf format.
  9. To Export to Excel, click the first small icon at the top right of the report (it looks like a sheet of paper with an x). When you hover over the icon, it will say ‘Export to Excel.’ Click the icon, and when the pop-up appears, click the Download button. The download will appear in your web browser downloads.
  10. To Export to PDF, click the second icon at the top right of the report (it looks like a PDF with a border around it). When you go over the icon, it will say, ‘View Printable Version- PDF.’ Click the icon, and when the pop-up appears, click the Download button.<
View Upcoming Registration Appointments -Workday

Stay updated with your registration dates and understand your eligible registration windows for future semesters.

  • Access the Academics app via the MENU at the top left of your Workday portal or from "Your Top Apps" on the homepage.
  • Locate the "Upcoming Registration Appointments" table to see your designated registration periods for upcoming semester terms, including the specific date ranges when you can enroll in courses for each term.
When Can I Register in Workday?

Registration will be completed in Workday beginning in the Fall 2024 semester registration period! Summer session registration should be completed in WebOPUS.

Your registration window date range is called a Registration Appointment in Workday. There is no physical appointment necessary.

Registration appointments are your eligible registration date windows for upcoming semester terms and will appear in your Academics app in Workday under the Upcoming Registration Appointments table.

  1. Navigate to the Academics app from the top left MENU in your Workday portal or Your Top Apps on the Workday homepage.
  2. Find the “Upcoming Registration Appointments” table to view the upcoming semester term or terms and the date range of your registration window.

Contact us

Skyhawk Station

Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.edu
Phone: 970-247-7301
Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday


Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.