Quality Initiative Tasks Deadlines
  1. Quality initiative explained to faculty, staff, and students.
  2. Degree maps and their policy infrastructure completed.
  3. All known degree tracking technologies evaluated for functional  suitability.
  4. Scheduling policy to complement degree maps drafted.
  5. Decision made on which institutional encouragements for four-year graduation will be recommendations, incentives, monitoring & advising protocols, and/or requirements.

Fall 2012

  1. Degree  maps published in catalog and begin being incorporated into recruiting, advising, and orientation materials.
  2. Degree tracking technologies reviewed for technical suitability.
  3. Degree tracking technologies that meet functional and technical requirements are reviewed by faculty, students, and staff;  funds are requested; and RFP issued.
  4. Scheduling policy to complement degree maps approved.
  5. Institutional encouragements documents drafted.
  6. Statement on roles and responsibilities for faculty and professional advisors issued.

Winter 2013

  1. Task force meets to review Year One work.
  2. Degree tracking technology implementation begins.

Summer 2013

  1. Taskforce issues annual report.
  2. Policy and procedure to hire temporary instructors in response to enrollment growth developed.
  3. Office of Institutional Research finalizes work plans for decision support for chairs and for quality initiative data collection and reporting.
  4. Institutional encouragements documents approved.

Fall 2013

  1. Four-year instructional plans implemented.
  2. Office of Institutional Research begins implementing work plans for decision support for chairs and for quality initiative data collection and reporting.

Winter 2014

  1. Task force meets to review 'Year 2' work.

Summer 2014

  1. Task force issues annual report.

Fall 2014

  1. Task force writes final report for Higher Learning Commission and issues final report to campus.

Winter 2015