Professional Staff

Sadie Magnifico

Sadie Magnifico

Assistant Director
 Email Sadie

I think answers to many of the questions in our lives can be found in nature and by examining healthy and intact ecosystems. I love to chat with others about their experiences connecting with landscape; your latest adventure in a wild place, the veggies you’re growing, what gives you hope for the future and where you find meaning, or any ideas you have about restoring and sustaining the social and ecological fabric of our campus! I’m passionate about sustainability, and I want to work with you to make positive change on a local level!

Contact me regarding:

  • Communications and promotions including the EC Digest
  • Large-scale events and programs
  • Community member guest speakers
  • Strategic planning and new initiatives
  • Donor and fundraising opportunities
  • EC office management and administration
  • Student member hiring and human resources
  • Zero Waste initiatives, including campus recycling and institutional composting
  • Climate, Energy, Transportation initiatives
  • Campus food service sustainability

Maggie Magierski

Maggie Magierski

Environmental Experiential Learning Coordinator
 Email Maggie

Throughout my life, I have often found that the world offers various ‘classrooms’ for experiential learning. Whether hiking a mountain or tending a garden, activation through the senses turns a lesson plan into a living memory. I am passionate about the space where plants and humans intersect as well as finding ways to integrate reconciliation and healing through land stewardship.

Contact me regarding:

  • Campus Garden and Food Forest
  • Ecology and lands initiatives
  • ENV field and laboratory equipment
  • Environmental justice advocate
  • Community member guest speakers

Student Team Members

EC students in the mountains

Our center is student driven, and a lot of our sustainability projects are run by our student Project Leads. To get in touch with any of our Project Leads please come by our office.