The point of the past
Study yesterday to better plan for tomorrow
Deep classroom discussions and connections with a well-traveled faculty ensure FLC History majors develop the skills needed to organize data, ask critical questions, and write with clarity and economy. Through studies of the creative achievements of past civilizations and the historical foundations underlying cultural diversity, History majors graduate prepared to address challenges found in contemporary times.
"We are one of the few colleges in the country with an undergraduate concentration in public history, which offers students professional preparation in archives, museum curation, and historic preservation. "
Earn your bachelor of arts as a History major and master's degree in Public History in 5 years through a collaboration between FLC and University of Colorado-Denver. Learn techniques to preserve the past by and for the people. You’ll learn archiving and analytical methods for work in any sector, with a special focus on work that makes history accessible to the general public.
Focus your history major in the areas that support work in heritage preservation, archiving, and more. Even if you don't pursue the 3+2 master’s in Public History, this concentration will provide you with the foundation for work bringing history to the people.
If you choose not to major in History, you might find that a Heritage Preservation minor supports the work you’d like to do academically and beyond. Imagine yourself working in a museum, or interpreting cultural sites at a Tribal or national park.