Pre-Athletic Training Certificate

FLC athletic trainer ices an FLC athlete's knee

From working with Olympic athletes to ensuring a safer school environment, athletic trainers are equipped to intervene, assess, and prevent injuries in athletes of all levels. FLC’s Pre-Athletic Training certificate program incorporates mentorship from expert faculty and hands-on practice that builds skills and inspires confidence.

The Pre-AT certificate includes the necessary pre-requisite courses for graduate level athletic training. Certificate holders will complete athletic training specific internships that will distinguish them in their candidacy for AT School. Students will work with and receive professional advising from faculty intimately familiar with athletic training education.

Keven Benaly, Excerise Physiology, '22

"Fort Lewis College’s Health & Human Performance Department has provided me with an unforgettable and interactive educational experience. These skills have helped immensely in my pursuit of a master's degree and career in athletic training."

Your career path

FLC athletic trainers help student athlete

Help others stay healthy and live stronger. Potential career fields with a Pre-Athletic Training certificate:

  • Armed Forces
  • Hospital emergency rooms
  • Performing arts
  • Physician & private practices
  • Professional & Olympic sports
  • School settings