FLC campus is closed today, 2/14, due to severe weather. Essential staff report as directed by their supervisor.
If you are bringing your personally owned device which you will be connecting to the Fort Lewis College network you must register it before being allowed onto the network. Devices must have an updated and current operating system and antivirus software.
Personally owned devices are any electronic device which you would connect to the Internet or the campus network. These include:
We recommend all students have a laptop or access to a laptop and when off campus access to the internet.
Not recommended:
WIFI - Free wireless Internet access is available throughout campus, including the residence halls, public spaces, classrooms.
Printing & Copying - Students have a $4.00 per/semester printing and copier allowance and unused amounts roll over to the next semester. Printers are located in all residence halls and computer labs. If you use your printer allowance up you may use Skycash.
Computer labs - Fewer campus lab computers will be available due to social distancing requirements, but virtual computers will be available if you need to access certain software via your own laptop Lab computers will still have all the software you need for any of your classes. Campus labs are on high speed internet.
Virtual Computer labs - 200 computers are available for remote access through the FLC VPN. All lab software is available so you don’t have to license or load it onto your personal computer. Visit our home page to see how to set up the virtual lab on your computer.
We offer three wireless networks on campus. These are:
Please use one of these official networks, if you see a network which is not one of these three networks, it is a rogue wireless network and we strongly recommend you do not connect to it because of security risks.
This network provides our highest performance and security. This is an encrypted network and it requires a Fort Lewis College user ID and password to connect. The network uses the 802.1x security protocol.
When you connect to the Fort Lewis College Wireless, your device will prompt you for a user ID and password. Enter your FLC user ID and password. This is the same ID and password that you use on Webopus, theFort, and Webmail. Please note that your User ID is also your email name without the @fortlewis.edu.
After connecting to Fort Lewis College you should open a web browser to see if you are connected to the internet and the Fort Lewis Network.
This is a restricted network for casual and guest usage. If you have a Fort Lewis College user ID and password, you should use the Fort Lewis College wireless network, and not the Guest network.
The Guest wireless network does not provide encryption, and other users may be able to see what you are transmitting and receiving. The Guest wireless network utilizes network filters to prohibit or block:
Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. Eduroam allows any user from an Eduroam participating site to get network access at any institution connected to Eduroam, including Fort Lewis College. Visitors to Fort Lewis from other Eduroam facilities can use their provided log-on information to access Eduroam. Fort Lewis members can log in here and at other Eduroam facilities by using their fully qualified Fort Lewis user name ("Username"@fortlewis.edu) and your FLC password. Eduroam is secure and encrypted.
Mobile Devices can vary greatly, but the steps should be similar to a computer.
Gaming devices without a web browser require a manual registration before they may be used on the network. Click here to register your device. You will need to know the MAC address of your device. The MAC address can usually be obtained from the settings area of your device, but each device is different.
Please contact the IT Help Desk at 970-247-7444 if you need assistance registering your device.
DO NOT connect a wireless printer to FLC's wireless network. Use a USB cable, and connect directly to your printer, even if your printer has wireless capabilities. Making a printer available over a wireless network opens it up for anyone to use or abuse and in addition, wireless printers can cause issues to other wireless network users who may be in the vicinity. Therefore, wireless printers are not allowed on the FLC network.
Due to security concerns and network stability FLC doesn’t allow certain devices to connect to the network. The FLC network is significantly larger than your home network. To provide the best network experience, we can’t allow all devices to connect to the FLC network. Your home network generally contains only a few devices and if something goes wrong only those devices are affected. The FLC network consists of thousands of devices and users which all must work together on the network. Some devices can actually interfere with other devices on the network and may cause security problems for other users of the network.
As you connect your devices to the Fort Lewis College networks or any network you should always be concerned about security. If the connection is not encrypted, other people may be able to see your information as you transmit and receive it. You also need to be concerned with how your device is setup to share information. You may have your device setup to allow others to see your files and pictures, which is okay at home, but do you really want 3000 FLC users to be able to see your files?
You are encouraged to run antivirus software and to maintain your devices with the latest operating system updates. Most current operating systems have anti-virus built in to them. You can also obtain virus protection software on the internet free of charge. If you are unsure if your device has antivirus software, please bring it by the Help desk and we can assist you.
Please note that FORT LEWIS COLLEGE will never ask for your password in an e-mail, text message, over the phone or in person. You may have to enter your password on some websites and on your device. Malicious users will try to trick you into entering your user ID and password by diverting you to fraudulent FLC email or websites or by sending you an email saying something is wrong with your account and you need to log into the website link they provide. Please, always be cautious and suspicious especially if someone wants you to enter your credentials!
If in doubt, call our Help Desk at 970-247-7444.